Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Spirit Guide and Teacher

I was watching Kentucky Life on the teli tonight and saw my late friend, mentor and spirit guide , the great Ross Zirkle. He was an artist and lived everything he preached, and I would give about anything to have recorded just one of those sermons. I thought how much I miss this guy. He was an old hippie, lived in the woods for a time, studied fencing, been all over the country, and was about as spiritual than anyone I've ever met. When people saw my space art in the beginning of my art making, they thought Scifi. He saw right through that and understood I was dealing with Nature, God, The Spirits, all things mysterious. Not Scifi. I was really happy about that.  He had such a huge impact on everyone he met, and he met a lot of people too. Just as his career was on an up swing at UK, Pancreatic cancer stole him from us and it hurt a lot of people. I sometimes wonder now how he would feel about some of my choices with my art career, both failures and successes. Wish he was here to tell me. But if anyone was the type to come back as a Hawk, dodge lightning, and touch the Moon, I know it's him. Oh, and you can see some of the art he did before passing on here

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