Sunday, August 31, 2008

Next Work

Hey! Here's my next piece. Actually, I took that pic last night before working on it. After some work I also did tonight I'm pretty much done with it. You can see how I haven't done the figure yet. Sometimes I do it first and other times I do it last. I've had four years of Art training and I don't really remember the recommended way of doing it.
I really think the thing to really do is whatever works for you, and for me there seems to be a "feel good" mood where I can make no mistakes and paintings just fall together. I really like to stay there. A teacher once told me every painting should be a struggle. I would rather them be a challenge, yet be a joy. Try do something a little different or better than last time, but have fun too. I see paintings like puzzles and I like to see how they are going to look once they are done. That's part of the joy. Everyone take care and have fun!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seeing Spirits

I wanted to get more before shots in this, but I worked on the painting so fast I only got one and then the finished one. This is another painting on a 15 x 24 inches scale. It's painted on 2 12 x 15 inch panels. This is a pic of Robin posing at Anglin Falls that I really liked so I did it. It's really hard for me to work on a figure so far back you can't really make out their features, so they have a bit of a blur. I probably do some more pieces like that really soon, so I should get some practice.
I imagine she is pointing at a spirit she seen in the trees here. Actually, one night me and my wife were hiking there and saw something and I still don't know what it was. It was like a one foot, whitish glowing orb. It seemed to disappear into the side of a tree. At first it was like see a ghost but then I thought it had to be an owl. But there was no owl on the side of the tree. I know some owls can camouflage really good, but I didn't see it, and it was only about 10 feet off the ground where it would have hit the tree. Also, it wasn't quite night, but it was almost dark. It was hard to see any further than about twenty feet away, and I walked right up to the tree. Who knows what I might have seen, but it was a great experience either way. Everyone take care and have fun!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Land of Anglin-fin

Well, this one is done, and I love it. As you can see in the pictures above, it 2 panels roughly 2 foot by 16 inches each. Pushed together would be 4 foot by 16 inches. This is a large piece but I can ship it as a small piece(think'in think'in!). The next piece I'm planning will be in this same size, so I'm looking forward to it. I really do get into these paintings. When I start them it's so cool to see how they end, like a book, because I have an idea, but I'm not exactly sure until I see it done. Everyone take care and have fun!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Land of Anglin

Wow, I've been busy lately and haven't blogged in a while. Here is my newest painting which I'm going to continue right after I'm done here. This will be different than my other paintings as this will be a 2 piece painting. I have been shipping a lot of art lately and it's very expensive to ship anything of size, so I decided to do one in 2 pieces. Together this will be about 4 feet by 16 inches. Apart each piece is 16 x 24 inches. The 3rd piece up is the 2nd piece. I didn't do much to it as I worked on it the night before. These will be much better for shipping purposes too. I haven't painted this model in a while. We spent some time with her a week ago and I decided I needed to do another work with her in it. She's completely awesome. From bottom to the top above you can see my progress I made last night. I'm going to see what I can do now. Take care and have fun.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Painting Autum Awaits

Hi! I thought I'd take a moment to show the newest painting I've been working on. It's pretty much done at this point. Here the Robin sits on a rock overlooking the land. This painting is one of those that just fell into place. I have been real busy this week, but this painting did not need a lot of time because it just came together like it was just meant to be. Sometimes I have to really work on one to get it to work out, but not this one. It's nice to try new things and struggle sometimes, but life has been stuffed with things to do recently, so I enjoyed just making a piece I really like without a lot of angst. Everyone take care and have fun!

Friday, August 1, 2008

And She Found Wisdom

Art above
As the Leaves Fell She Wept
In Search of the Totem
And She Found Wisdom
Well, I finally got this done and got a decent picture of it. This is my friend Robin posing at the Anglin Falls. Actually, the Falls would be 50 feet or so behind her, it's such an awesome place. This is also the same spot seen in the In Search of the Totem piece, with my model Brianna. This is a wonderful place. All the pieces above are basically the same spot from different angles. There is others, you could look through my work and probably figure it out. Sometimes you find great models, or places and I found both! Take Care and have fun! My Ebay Auctions