Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guardian of Anglin

Hi all! Well, here is the newest piece. It's kind of like another piece I did last Summer, but from a different angle. Robin has her stick again and is ready to defend the great land of she is in. She really did like doing kung fu poses, even though I wasn't going to paint them. Maybe I'll draw one and put it on here one day. Oh, and I will have six pieces in the Galley Hop here Friday. I'll be at the Christ Church Cathedral on Market Street. You can go to Hit the Art button. Everyone take care!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Painting on the way

Hi! I just wanted to show the drawing I'm basing the next painting on. Robin has that walking stick again. I just got through loading up some paintings for a show I'll have at the Cathedral. I'll put more info up about that soon. Everyone take care and have fun!