Sunday, February 24, 2008

Newest work

Hey there again. Here are some pics of my new work. I started by drawing the model, you can see the drawing on the top. Then I drew, with a drawn white grid, the landscape. I traced my drawing with some tracing paper and transfered it to the mat board. Then I filled in some color. This was a little intimidating for me because of the perspective of the hill in the background. In the actual photo, you can barely make it out through all the leaves, but you still can. I wasn't sure how to explain that in the drawing. I think I figured it out, but I still have to think how many leaves if any I will put in. It may seem that I always do similar paintings, but I do try to do something new or challenging with every one. Helps make one better. Hope everyone is well, I hope to update this very soon. Take care and have fun!

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