Sunday, June 16, 2013


I added some things to this painting. You can see the Turkey feather I added near her hand and I darkened up the leaves a little. I also framed it, but I'll put that pic on later. I want to talk about rejection for a moment though. I took this piece, and two others yesterday to a venue hoping that I could sell art through them one day. A good friend of mine set this meeting up for me. She really tried. When her boss seen my work, I thought he was going to yawn. He wasn't too rude...but a little. There are people who love my art, and those who don't. Without a doubt, he fell into the later. But to be completely fair, it was his store, he had every right to not like my art.  Not everyone would, not everyone should. But my friend tried to champion me the entire time, she was awesome. As I drove away, I felt pretty crappy. Plus I just got off work and had to wait on a guy with no interest once so ever. But then I had to remind myself of all the places I have sold at like the Loudon House, Kentucky Theater, Common Grounds, Christ Church Cathedral, Goods Foods, Broadway Clay, The Hub, Ebay, Etsy, and others. And I've sold multiple pieces at all these places. It's your successes you have to remind yourself of when you run into rejection. I guess what I'm saying is that I pulled myself out of the pity party pretty quick. But when you are dealing with someone eles's art, music or what ever, be mindful even if you don;t like it, because that art is someone's Soul. Don't dump on it. Or yawn at it. Now I'm going to work on my next painting. Good night all! 

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