Sunday, June 9, 2013

Facebook!? Come on!

Wow, Facebook is really acting weirder and weirder. I tried to post a minute ago but there was a floating box that said, " something on your Timeline Line Now", and I couldn't get to my real timeline box even though I could see it behind the unwanted box. I decided to play along and post in the floating box in front of my time line box but couldn't add photos. I went back to my Home page and when I came back to the CliffsArt page the floating box was gone. Facebook, stop screwing around, we are using your product and looking at your adds. There. Now, here is where I am with this new painting. We have been working to get a house on the market to sell, so I've had less time to paint, but I get some paint time in where I can. I got to add the Yahoo Falls and the tree. If you go there and see it, it's like a magical tree all by itself there under the rock shelter. I have to work on the figure a bit more, but I'm basically done I think. I'll post another before I'm done.

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