Sunday, June 9, 2013

Early Sunday Morning

Since I fell behind in my posting last week, I thought I'd put on a bonus post of CliffsArt History. I forget the actual size, but this was a close to 3 x 2 foot Color Pencil Drawing that sold at the Lexington art league. I try to stay positive on here but the way the Art League now show Found Art Shows and Political Art shows, people like me have been edged out. They used to have open member shows, which I liked because the theme was vague and easy to get into. I also sold pretty often. Then they quit and started having very particular themes. Narrow themes. I've talked to others who felt the same way. I talked to those at the Art League who said, "sorry you feel that way". Found Art, how much money have they made from a can and a rusty nail? At least I usually sold there, and they would take their share. Maybe they have changed their evil ways, I gave up and haven't checked back in aboot a year or so. I hope so. So I have to ask, please support a local Artist and if not, at least support someone who supports local Artists. Not grant funded art shows that don't need art sales to make money. There, I said it. Thanks! 

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