Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Memory and Queen Ann's Lace

Here is the drawing and the first approach with Color Pencil. I will call this piece A Memory and Queen Ann's Lace. The scene for this was at Shaker Town near Harrodburg Kentucky. Pleasant Hill to be more correct. It's a great place and the model was a trooper. We had to walk around quite a bit while I tried to judge good places to model for the scene. In the last couple of pieces she was wearing a scarf on her head, but I wanted to do one without it so you could see more of her hair and face. She has a good hair and face! I also wanted to visit my old friend Color Pencil again on this one. It feels so natural for me, but when it's framed behind glass the reflection knocks down the image and the color. Even in reflection proof glass, which I've bought, you still see some reflection. I'm going to try it without the glass and see what happens next time I frame one of these. I might even explore some protective varishes. I seen those used once on watercolors in a gallery in Santa Fe. If anyone knows anything about this kind of stuff, please let me know. When this piece is done I'll post it. I have a pic of it done in a later stage, but I'll post it later with the new one. I wanted to show this in stages. Everyone take care and have fun!

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