Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seeing Spirits

I wanted to get more before shots in this, but I worked on the painting so fast I only got one and then the finished one. This is another painting on a 15 x 24 inches scale. It's painted on 2 12 x 15 inch panels. This is a pic of Robin posing at Anglin Falls that I really liked so I did it. It's really hard for me to work on a figure so far back you can't really make out their features, so they have a bit of a blur. I probably do some more pieces like that really soon, so I should get some practice.
I imagine she is pointing at a spirit she seen in the trees here. Actually, one night me and my wife were hiking there and saw something and I still don't know what it was. It was like a one foot, whitish glowing orb. It seemed to disappear into the side of a tree. At first it was like see a ghost but then I thought it had to be an owl. But there was no owl on the side of the tree. I know some owls can camouflage really good, but I didn't see it, and it was only about 10 feet off the ground where it would have hit the tree. Also, it wasn't quite night, but it was almost dark. It was hard to see any further than about twenty feet away, and I walked right up to the tree. Who knows what I might have seen, but it was a great experience either way. Everyone take care and have fun!

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