Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Please stand(or sit) by

Sorry folks, I've got some computer problems and haven't been able to post anything in a while. I can get on the inter-webs but I can't get to any files where all the pics of my art are. Or iTunes, Paint shop Pro or anything else. Malissa is working on it, but hasn't got to resolve the problems. She thinks it has something to do with a bad anti virus update we had. She Googled it and read other people were having problems with it too. Hopefully it will be good soon. The painting is finished, I just finished it actually. I have a few drawings to chose from for my next painting and I plan another video soon. I've mentioned a few times I work at South Hill Gallery framing and frame building. I'm really looking forward to framing this new piece, I'll just be glad when everyone can see it. Oh, and it goes without saying, prayers and good thoughts to those in Oklahoma and I also hope we are done with that bad weather bushiness for this year. Take care and stay safe everyone!

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